Arkansas Association of Conservation Districts

Graphic of the outline of the state of Arkansas with a pine tree and a water drop in the center.


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AACD Photo Contest

"The Wonders of Arkansas"

Congratulations 2023 Contest Winners (PDF)

Picture of a sunset

The 2023 AACD Photo Contest, "The Wonders of Arkansas", is open to amateur photographers who are residents of the state of Arkansas. Each photo has to fit in one of the four photo categories (listed below). One entry per category but participant can enter one photo in each of the four categories.

One adult and one youth winner will be selected for each category. Each 1st place winner will receive a $25 cash prize. One photo will be chosen from the 1st Place winners as "Grand Prize Winner" and will receive a $50 cash prize. Winning photos may be displayed at AACD's state office in Little Rock. Photos must be received by March 1, 2023. Checks will be issued after judging.

(Adult – 18 yrs and older)
(Youth–less than 18 yrs of age)

Photo Categories

1. Landscape/Waterscape
2. Livestock/Wildlife
3. Cropland
4. Forest/Plants

Category Explanations

1)  Landscape/Waterscape – photos of lakes, hills, mountains, streams, any picture in which the scenery is the primary focus and taken in Arkansas

2)  Livestock/Wildlife – cows, horses, pigs, deer, birds, chickens, any animal which fits one of these definitions

3)  Cropland – rice, cotton, corn, soybean, sunflowers, any picture of a commodity grown in Arkansas as a crop

4)  Forest/Plants – trees, flowers, grass, any type of tree, shrub and/or plant found in nature in Arkansas

Entry Instructions

  • Photos must be submitted:

(1) Photos must be turned in electronically no later than 4:00 p.m. Monday, March 1, 2023.

(2) Each participant must submit their entries electronically to avoid mixing up photos - several can be submitted together.

(3) Photos must be taken within the 2022 calendar year

(4) Photos may be taken by a digital camera or phone camera

(5) Participants must submit their own entries electronically unless they do not have access to an email address.

  • Winning entries must provide the following before cash prizes can be awarded:

(1) A signed photo release form, which must be a hard copy if a private individual can be recognized in the photo.

(2) Photo with entry form submitted in electronic format to

  • All entry forms must be received by March 1, 2023. For early entries:

(1) Email to

(3) Completed signed entry form must be received to be eligible for contest

Please note: If you intend to enter more than one photo (maximum of four photos per participant), you may submit all entries on the same entry form, but photo release form, if required, for each photo. Any photo depicting children and/or adults without appropriate signed release form will not be considered for the contest. If they can be identified in the photo you must submit a signed photo release prior to judging or the photo will be eliminated.

Additional Guidelines

  • Black-and-white prints, color prints and prints from digital photos are all acceptable and will be judged together.
  • Images must not have been digitally altered in any way other than necessary burning, dodging and cropping.
  • Do not send photo reproductions from a printed publication.
  • All entries become the property of AACD, and AACD reserves the non-exclusive right to use all photographs in publications or for promotional purposes.

Judging Standards

Photos will be judged on technical merit and composition. For technical merit, judges may check to see if the photo is well-framed, properly exposed and sharp and clear. For composition, judges determine if the photo features a recognizable center of interest, action and imagination and creativity.  If you have questions or need more information contact Debbie Moreland, Program Administrator, at (501) 425-2891 or email at

Entry Forms

Drawing of a blue ribbon


© 2015

The Arkansas Association of Conservation Districts
8100 Bicentennial Road
North Little Rock, Arkansas 72118
Telephone (501) 734-8133