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Arkansas Association of Conservation Districts
Executive Board
Meeting Minutes
10:00am - March 23, 2006
Wyndham Hotel
Little Rock, AR
Call to order
R.D. "Sonny" Jones, President
called to order the regular meeting of the Executive Board
at 10:00am on March 23, 2006 in Wyndham Hotel,
North Little Rock, AR.
The following members were present:
Sonny Jones, President
Roy Mahler, Sec./ Treasurer Rocky Harrell, Central Area President
Troy Odom, SW Area President James Widner, NW Area President Martha Manley, NE Area Vice President Paul Whittington, WC Area President Bill Rainwater, Past President Debbie Moreland, Program Administrator
Alice Weeks
Cindy Thornberry
Adrian Baber, ANRC
Doris Washington, NRCS
John Shannon, AFC
Approval of minutes from January 12, 2006 meeting
Roy Mahler gave the minutes from the last meeting. Motion to approve by Paul Whittington, seconded by Rocky
Harrell. The minutes were approved.
Roy Mahler gave the financial report, Year to Date and review of the
Financial Accounts. Motion
made by Rocky Harrell to approve, seconded by Paul Whittington. Motion
passed. Debbie Moreland reported that the accountant is working
on our audit.
Open issues & reports
National Biomass Conference, Denver, CO – report
given by Sonny Jones and Troy Odom. Both continue to feel
this is a tremendous opportunity for our foresters,
producers, farmers and landowners.
Arkansas Biomass Alliance Bioenergy Conference is on
scheduled for March 30, 2006 at the Wyndham Hotel, North
Little Rock.
NACD Spring Legislative Conference plans have been
made. Congressional Packets have been developed based on six
budget requests. Each congressional packet includes FY07
Budget Request, support materials and letters from the
conservation districts and RC&D Councils.
Youth Conservation Workshop – Debbie Moreland
provided draft copies of the YCW participant packet for the
board’s approval. Alice Weeks and Cindy Thornberry were
recommended by committee to be hired as contract labor for
the positions of Education Coordinator and Logistics
Coordinator, respectively.
Roy Mahler made the motion to accept the packet and the committee’s
recommendation, seconded by James Widner. Motion passed.
Forestry Clinic –
Troy Odom gave his report regarding the 2006 Monroe Samuel
AACD Forestry Clinic is scheduled for April 6, 2006 at the
White Oak Lake State Park near Camden. He noted that the
clinic guidelines have been revised.
New business
a) South Central NACD Regional Meeting
is scheduled for August 1 – 3, 2006 in Corpus Christi, TX.
b) Southern Regional Woodlands Clinic is scheduled for
May 5, 2006 at the Arkansas 4-H Center, at Ferndale.
Discussion was held regarding the costs to the participants.
$2,500 was budgeted for the costs of this event.
c) Rocky Harrell made the motion to
pay for the meals (breakfast and lunch) but not the lodging. Motion
seconded by Troy Odom. Motion passed.
d) Area Meetings –
discussion was held regarding area meetings. Only two
meetings have been scheduled to date.
West Central AACD Area Meeting –
May 17, 2006 – NRCS Plants Materials Center at Booneville, AR
Southwest AACD Area Meeting – July 11, 2006 – Southern Arkansas
University, Magnolia, AR. Secretary Richard Bell will be featured
TSP Training – Discussion was held regarding the
difficulties districts are encountering in submitting the
proper documentation for TSP reimbursement.
A new training date will be determined for May.
e) Arkansas Grazing Lands
Coalition Conference – Debbie Moreland reported that the AGLC will
be hosting a seven state conference on April 21, 22, & 23, 2006 at the
Ozark Science Center near Huntsville. AACD is a member of the Coalition.
James Mitchell has asked that we support this conference at some level.
Paul Whittington made the motion for Debbie Moreland
to attend the conference, seconded by Troy Odom. Motion Passed.
Rocky Harrell made the motion to contribute $300 to the conference,
seconded by Bill Rainwater. Motion passed.
f) Proposed EPA 319 Grant
– Debbie Moreland reported on a new grant proposal to establish a
clearinghouse of information for watersheds. This grant will be a
tremendous support tool for our existing watersheds.
Roy Mahler made the motion
to move forward in securing the grant, seconded by Troy Odom. Motion
Partnership Reports
John Shannon, AFC State Forester
reported on the current status of the AFC. He also reported that the
Arkansas Dept. of Agriculture is working well.
Doris Washington, NRCS reported
that NRCS’s budget has been negatively impacted by the natural disasters
which occurred last year.
Adrian Baber, ANRC – reported that Water Quality Technician
training continues as landowner compliance and inspections rules started
in January, 2006. He also reported that Randy Young invited Debbie
Moreland to attend the NASCA meeting in Louisville, KY with Adrian. The
meeting is scheduled for April 10-12, 2006. The meeting will focus on
the conservation delivery system and how it can be improved. The concept
of watershed based districts was also discussed. ANRC Commissioner
Corbit Lamkin asked Randy Young to investigate this concept and it’s
application to the current structure we have. There is some concern
about all the various groups that are assuming leadership on watershed
issues without have any legal authority to do so.
Sonny Jones adjourned the meeting at 2:00pm.
Minutes submitted by: Debbie Moreland, Program
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