Call to order
(Agenda Attached –Exhibit #1)
R.D. “Sonny” Jones, President, called to order the
regular meeting of the AACD 2006 Annual Meeting Business Session at 8:45am
on Wednesday, December 13, 2006 at the Wyndham Hotel, North Little
Rock, Arkansas.
II. Partnership Reports
were given by the
following Arkansas Conservation Partnership members:
Kalven Trice,
State Conservationist, Natural Resource Conservation Service reported that
4,367 payments were made to landowners last year. He spoke to the recent
budget cut at NRCS and its potential impact on technical assistance and
services to landowners. He also spoke on TSP being utilized by 61 counties
Adrian, Baber,
Conservation Chief, Arkansas Natural Resources Commission, gave an update on
ANRC budget, which remains at current levels. It includes:
1. $940,000 – line item to district funding
2. $250,000 – Grants to Districts
3. $150,000 – Beaver Eradication Program
4. $10,000 – Stewardship Program
5. $1
million – Water Quality Technicians (119 nutrient management planners who
have registered 3,811 poultry producers.
He also
reported on Water Use, District Training and Audits.
- John Shannon,
State Forester, Arkansas Forestry Commission reported on the BMPs (Best
Management Practices) has seen an 85-86% implementation rate. Some states
have made them mandatory but he feels voluntary works best. He reported on
the successes of AFC with new facilities and programs. He asked the group
to support the AFC Budget request in front of the state legislature
- Sharon Underwood,
President, AACD Employees, reported that the association had held
elections. The new officers are: Ruth Cunningham, President; Dana Cherry,
Vice President; Ann Brooks, Secretary; Minnie Goldman, Treasurer. She
thanked everyone for their support during her presidency.
- Rocky Harrell,
President, AARC&D, gave a brief report on RC&D Activities, which include the
Rural Fire Protection Program and Noah II project.
Approval of minutes from last meeting
(Minutes attached – Exhibit #2)
Roy Mahler, Secretary distributed the minutes from
the December 14, 2005 Annual Meeting Business Session. Paul King,
Franklin County, made the motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Andrew
Wargo III, Desha County. The minutes were approved.
IV. Treasurer’s Report
Roy Mahler,
Treasurer, made a power point presentation of the income and expenses of
AACD for the 2005 – 2006 fiscal year. Income was $211,601.00 and expenses
were $187,607.79. Year to date report was also given. Balance on hand is
$77,263.56. Motion was made
by Paul Whittington, Franklin County, to approve, seconded by Johnny
Holzhauer, Arkansas County. Motion approved.
Old Business
1. Resolutions
(Attached – Exhibit
a) Motion #1 made by Nedra Turney (Miller County) to approve, seconded
by Allen Stewart (Rich Mountain CD). Resolution approved. Resolutions
b) Motion #2 made by Roy Mahler (Madison County) to approve, seconded by
Gene Pharr (Washington County). Resolution approved. ANRC/District
c) Motion #3 made by Allen Stewart (Rich Mountain CD) to table the
resolution, seconded by Danny Wilson (Desha County). Resolution approved.
Watershed Districts
d) Motion #4 made by Troy Odom (Lafayette County) to approve, seconded
by John Lachowsky (Franklin County). Resolution approved. AGFC Fine
e) Motion #5 made by Paul Whittington (Franklin County) seconded by Jack
Harrington. Charles Glover (Poinsett County) made the motion to amend the
resolution to say “energy” instead of “electricity”, seconded by Bill Teeter
(Desha County). Motion to amend passed. Amended resolution approved.
Noah II Project
f) Motion #6 made by James Mitchell (Yell County) to approve, seconded
by Gene Pharr (Washington County). Resolution approved. Grazing
g) Motion #7 made by Gene Childress (Hempstead County), seconded by Ann
Cash (Desha County). Resolution approved. Grazing Lands
h) Motion #8 made by Ron Bell (Independence County), seconded by Andrew Wargo III (Desha County). Resolution approved. Obligation bonds
i) Motion #9 made by Andrew Wargo III (Desha County), seconded by Roy
Mahler (Madison County). Resolution approved. Farm Bill Programs
j) Motion #10 made by Paul Whittington (Franklin County), seconded by
Paul King (Franklin County). Resolution approved. ADEQ
k) Motion #11 made by Ann Cash (Desha County), seconded by Andrew Wargo
III (Desha County). Resolution approved. WRP
l) Motion #12 made by Paul Whittington (Franklin County), seconded by
Tom Wimpy (Poinsett County). Resolution approved. Farm Credit System
Horizons Project
Motion #13 made by Charles Glover (Poinsett County), seconded by
Danny Wilson (Desha County). Tom Wimpy (Poinsett County) made the motion to
amend the resolution to replace “equitable” with “distribution”, seconded by
Andrew Wargo III (Desha County). Amendment passed, resolution approved as
amended. CSP
Motion #14 made by Ron Bell (Independence County), seconded by Troy
Odom (Lafayette County). Resolution approved. Bioenergy Legislation
2. AACD 2006 Activities Report
Distributed to the Board of Directors (Attached – Exhibit #4)
Rocky Harrell, Nominating Committee Chairman reported on the recommended
slate of officers:
James Mitchell (Yell County) – President
Andrew Wargo III (Desha County) – 1st Vice President
Troy Odom (Lafayette County ) – 2nd Vice President
Roy Mahler (Madison County) – Secretary/Treasurer
Nedra Turney (Miller County) made the motion to approve the slate of
officers as presented, seconded by Bill Bailey (Randolph County). Motion
New Business
Smithsonian Soil Display - Charles Glover (Poinsett County)
gave a brief discussion on the proposed display and the $10,000 costs. He
asked districts to support at some level if possible. The soil to be
displayed is the “Stuttgart Soil”. $2,500 in funds has been raised to date.
South Central NACD Report – Tamara Daniel, Regional
Coordinator, reported on the current climate in DC regarding upcoming Farm
Bill discussions, etc. She encouraged the group to remain committed to
grassroots support and their input in the development of the new Farm Bill.
NACD Summer Board Meeting and Legislative Conference will be held in July in
Washington, D.C.