Arkansas Association of Conservation Districts

Graphic of the outline of the state of Arkansas with a pine tree and a water drop in the center.


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Arkansas Association of Conservation Districts
Executive Board Meeting
10:00am - Thursday - May 26, 2005
Arkansas River Valley Room - ASWCC
Little Rock, AR

Call to Order: Sonny Jones called the meeting to order at 10:00am

Members & Guests Present

Sonny Jones, President
Roy Mahler, Sec/Treasurer
Andrew Wargo III, SE Area President
Charles Glover, NE Area President
Paul Whittington, WC Area President
James Widner, NW Area President
Cindy Thornberry,YCW Coordinator
James Mitchell, 1st Vice President
David Hillman, EC Area President
Dr. Mark Bryan, SW Area VP
Martha Manley, NE Area VP


Ruth Cunningham, Arkansas County
Minnie Goldman, Little River County
Sharon Underwood, AACDE President
Adrian Baber, ASWCC
Blain Pearce & Parents
Jessica Harris & Parents
Jacob Hooper & Parents

Minutes from the February 24, 2005 Board meeting were presented. Motion to approved by Charles Glover, seconded by Paul Whittington. Motion passed. (Minutes attached)

Treasurer’s report presented as follows:

General Account - motion to accept by Andrew Wargo III, seconded by Paul Whittington. Motion passed.

Dave Ferguson Scholarship Account financial report presented

Arkansas Conservation Partnership Account financial report presented

Arkansas Wildlife Habitat Enhancement Program financial report presented

Youth Conservation Workshop financial report presented

Paul Whittington made the motion to accept all financial reports, seconded by Andrew Wargo III. Motion passed.

2nd Vice President Vacancy - Sonny Jones appointed Andrew Wargo III to fill the vacancy for 2nd Vice President. Roy Mahler made the motion to approve the appointment, seconded by Paul Whittington. Motion passed.

Arkansas Forestry Clinic - report was given by Minnie Goldman, Little River Conservation District. The winner was Hermitage Team A. We sponsored 3 teams to the NACD Regional Competition.

The $2,500 budget was spent as follows:

• $1,500 on food, hats, t-shirts, etc.
• $1,000 divided between the three teams competing in Oklahoma for travel expenses to the regional contest.

Hermitage Team A won the regional competition.

Recommendations: Committee should review the contest dates and guidelines to see how participation could be improved.

Arkansas will host the 2006 SC NACD Regional Competition.

AACD Auxiliary - President Cliftena Williams forwarded a request for an increase in the yearly appropriation for the Auxiliary to $2,500. This amount of funds is needed to sponsor the poster contest, auxiliary scholarship and travel for officers. Andrew Wargo made a motion to table the request until a review on all AACD scholarships is completed. Seconded by Roy Mahler, motion passed.

Sebastian County Conservation Education Program - Melissa Johnson, Coordinator, reported on the progress of the program, including new legislation that has passed regarding conservation education funds for districts. She provided the cost of implementing the conservation education program per county for program continuity. Melissa was instrumental in getting this legislation passed and she will follow up with the AGFC and the legislators.

Crittenden County Nature Trail Grant Proposal - a copy of the grant application to the Arkansas Highway Department was provided to board members. The Crittenden County asked the AACD to act as the 501 (c)(3) entity to administer their grant. The board agreed to assist the district in this manner.

Dave Ferguson Scholarship - The three top scoring students made their 5 minute presentation which was part of the scholarship application. The students were:

Jacob Hooper, DeQueen, AR
Jessica Harris, DeWitt, AR
Blain Pearce, Kelso, AR

The winner was Blain Pearce of Kelso, Arkansas. The board hosted a luncheon in honor of the students and their family. The $1,000 scholarship will be paid to an Arkansas college or university of Blain’s choice. Belt Buckles remain in the state office. It was the sale of the these belt buckles which is used to fund the Dave Ferguson Scholarship. The board asked Debbie Moreland to inventory our supply so we can start selling them again. It was suggested that we visit with the Auxiliary about partnering on this.

Youth Conservation Workshop - Cindy Thornberry, YCW Coordinator gave her report on the progress to date of the Youth Conservation Workshop. The workshop is planned for June 12 - 17, 2005 at the Village Creek State Park. Thanks was given to Andrew Wargo, III for securing funds for the coach buses, camera, journal, catfish dinner supplies, etc. Arkansas Farm Bureau donated $500 for t-shirts. ASWCC contributed $5,000 toward the costs of the workshop.

District Director Training - Adrian Baber & Cynthia Rhoads, ASWCC staff gave presentations on the training that will be given to the districts by their staff regarding district finances and accountability. Adrian provided a copy of the Program Analysis which will be done at the district level to determine funding.

NRCS Report - Kalven Trice, State Conservationist distributed a draft copy of the proposed EQIP funding for each county and spoke to the guidelines used to determine funding appropriations.

AACD 2005 Annual Meeting - The annual meeting is scheduled for December 12 - 14, 2005 at the Wyndham Hotel, North Little Rock, Arkansas. AACDE will host the special event on Tuesday night. The same format will be used for the meeting as last year, except we will have the business session on Wednesday morning and adjourn immediately after the Awards Luncheon.

Charles Glover made a motion to approve the annual meeting tentative plans, seconded by David Hillman. Motion passed.

Office Equipment - Debbie Moreland requested a new printer for the state office. The board suggested she research several printers and forward her recommendations to them via email. Charles Glover made the motion to purchase a new printer, seconded by Paul Whittington. Motion passed.

SC NACD Conference - The regional conference is scheduled for July 13 - 15, 2005 at Lafayette, LA. Information was distributed to the board. Board members were asked to contact Debbie Moreland if they plan to attend so arrangements can be made. Members confirming are:
Sonny Jones, President, David Hillman, EC Area President, and Debbie Moreland, Program Administrator

AACDE - Sharon Underwood discussed the ongoing training that district employees are involved in such as district finances, NRCS filing system, etc. The district employees remain committed to continuing education and the highest standards.

Arkansas Watershed Coalition - Debbie Moreland asked the board to approve a meeting to see if there is support in the state to reactivate the Arkansas Watershed Coalition. It was started but was never formally instituted and we have watershed project area which need help. The board approved hosting the meeting.

With no further business, Paul Whittington made the motion to adjourn at 3:15pm., seconded by Andrew Wargo III. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted
Debbie Moreland, Acting Secretary

Subject to Board Approval At September 22, 2005 meeting


© 2015

The Arkansas Association of Conservation Districts
8100 Bicentennial Road
North Little Rock, Arkansas 72118
Telephone (501) 734-8133