News and Publications
The CALF (Controlled Access and Livestock Fencing) Initiative is a voluntary program for private landowners to minimize stream-bank erosion and improve herd health. (eadline for the first round of applications will be January 14, 2015. Applications to be ranked by January 31.)
- Slideshow from the Washington County Conservation District on fencing basics.
Video from the Washington County Conservation District on poultry composing procedures.
- Slideshow from the Washington County Conservation District on installing tire tanks. (Scroll down on page to see the tire tank slideshow.)
Grazing Lands Technical Drawings from Arkansas NRCS (PDF)
by John Philpot
Activity Reports
NACD Legislative Conference
Members of the AACD Executive Board with Olin Sims, NACD President at
the SC NACD 2007 Regional Meeting in Tulsa.
NACD Open House
James Mitchell, Sonny Jones and James Widner dropped by the NACD Open House during the 2007 NACD Legislative Conference. NACD is currently raising funds to renovate the building which is in need of repairs and updates.